Dharamsala En

Press Release: “Seeds for the Future” The Week-Long “Future of Tibet” Conference Gets Underway in Dharamshala

“Seeds for the Future”:  The Week-Long “Future of Tibet” Conference Gets Underway in Dharamshala
6 November, 2023, Dharamshala

Almost 100 – largely younger – Tibetans from six different countries have come together in Dharamshala to discuss the future of Tibet. The conference opened officially the morning of 6 November and will continue until 10 November.

Preceding the conference, a successful one day seminar on 3 November in New Delhi was held on “Charting the Course: India’s Strategic Role in Tibet’s Future”. The seminar was blessed by His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche with Ambassador Kanwal Sibal giving the Keynote Speech.

The Future of Tibet Dharamshala conference in Dharamshala will explore a range of topics including the geopolitics of Tibet, China and India; Tibetan unity; Tibetan identity; Connecting Tibetans between places and generations; Future paths for Tibet including self-determination and facing up to the future after His Holiness. The conference is comprised of three panel discussions, scenario planning workshops aiming to discuss key concerns, opportunities and to develop narratives for the future.

“It is exciting that so many Tibetans are invested in thinking and talking about the future and willing to prepare for it. Even though we may not all share the same views and may disagree with each other, it’s important to create a space where we can have open discussions and embrace our society’s diversity. I look forward to the week ahead!” said Wangpo Tethong, co-founder of the Future of Tibet project.

For the duration of the conference, in parallel, a group of artists collaborate in the creation of an artwork responding to the topic of the conference.

The Conference’s keynote speech will be given by former Special Envoy to His Holiness Kelsang Gyaltsen. Panel speakers include Tenzin Namgyal Tethong, Dr Dawa Lokyitsang, Geshe Lobsang Monlam, Pema Chagzoetsang, Passang Tsering, Phenthok, Lobsang Yeshi, Gonpo Dhondup and Dr Gyal Lo (joining virtually).

The artists’ group members are Kesang Lamdark, Karma Sichoe, Ngoshi, Tashi Nyima, Tenzin Melak and Tenzin Gyurmey.

The Future of Tibet is an independent civil society initiative hoping to bring Tibetans together and to unite in the spirit of taking responsibility for, and an interest in, Tibet’s future. The Organising Committee is a small group of individuals from all corners of society with no formal or institutional affiliation who believe in the strength of unity as well as in the force of diversity. The first Future of Tibet conference took place in Washington DC in April 2022. A European conference followed in November 2022 in Paris, France and a youth conference was held in New York in April 2023.

Participants of the conference are required to pay a registration fee, the event is supported by the Guiseppe Kaiser Foundation and there is also an online crowdfunding campaign to help to cover costs.

Useful links:
[1] Conference Schedule: https://future-of-tibet.org/en/the-future-of-tibet-dharamshayla-schedule/
[2] Future of Tibet Crowdfunding Appeal: https://www.gofundme.com/f/shaping-the-future-of-tibet

Media Contacts:
Tashi Lamsang (Tibetan): +91 85271 47721
Dechen Pemba (English): +91 83686 05635

Dharamsala En

The Future of Tibet, Dharamshala – Schedule

This is the schedule for The Future of Tibet Conference in Dharamshala.

SUNDAY 5 November, 2023

3pm: Registration at The Imperial Heights Clarks Inn, Dharamshala

7pm: Dinner

8.30pm: “Oracle Bar” Activity

MONDAY 6 November, 2023

9-9.30am: Artistic Opening Ceremony

9.30-9.50am: Ice Breakers

Tea Break

10am: Conference Introduction and Welcome; Keynote Speech by Kelsang Gyaltsen.

12-1pm: Lunch Break

1-3pm: Panel Discussion 1 ‘Tibet in the World’


  • Lobsang Yeshi
  • Tenzin Namgyal Tethong
  • Phenthok

The panel will be moderated by Tenzin Sangmo

Tea Break

3.30-5.30pm: Workshop Introduction

7pm: Dinner

8.30pm: Optional Evening Activity

TUESDAY 7 November, 2023

9-9.15am: Inputs on Declaration

9.15-10.30am: Panel Discussion 2 ‘Tibetan Mind and Identity at a Crossroads’ 


  • Dr. Dawa Lokyitsang
  • Geshe Lobsang Monlam
  • Passang Tsering

The panel will be moderated by Tenzin Shinyi

Tea Break

10.45-12pm: Panel Discussion 3 ‘The Future of Tibetan Leadership’ 


  • Gonpo Dhondup
  • Dr Gyal Lo (virtual)
  • Pema Chagzoetsang

The panel will be moderated by Lharong

12-1pm: Lunch Break

1-5pm: Scenario Planning Workshops

5-6pm: Open Forum

7pm: Dinner

8.30pm: Optional Evening Activity

WEDNESDAY 8 November, 2023

9-9.15am: Inputs on Declaration

9.15-12pm: Scenario Planning Workshops

12-1pm: Lunch Break

1-3pm: Group/Plenary Discussions

3-5pm: Group Outdoor Activity 

6-7pm: Open Forum

7pm: Dinner

8.30pm: Lhakar Activity

THURSDAY 9 November, 2023

Morning: Final Plenary / Closing Session

12-1pm: Lunch

1-5pm: Scenario Planning Workshops 

4-6pm: Artists Activity and Open Forum

7pm: Dinner 

8:30pm: Optional Evening Activity

FRIDAY 10 November, 2023

9am-12pm: Group Outdoor Activity 

End of Conference

Dharamsala En

Announcing the Fourth Future of Tibet Conference in Dharamshala, India, November 5th-10th 2023


Following successful conferences in Washington DC, Paris and New York, the fourth Future of Tibet conference will take place in Dharamshala, India, from November 5th-10th, 2023.

The Future of Tibet is a civil society initiative with no agenda other than to bring Tibetans together and to unite in the spirit of taking responsibility for, and an interest in, Tibet’s future. We, the Organising Committee, are a small group of individuals from all corners of society with no formal or institutional affiliation. We believe in the strength of unity as well as in the force of diversity. We may not subscribe to the same political convictions but believe in the value of truthful dialog. Moreover, we share a common belief that with the political changes in the world and in China, the Tibetan Freedom Movement needs a reflection about its future course.

We believe that our ability to influence the future is dependent on our ability to start a collective process of reflection and planning. If you are aged 18 or over and care about all aspects of Tibetan society, politics, language and culture, you are invited to join us and to share your thoughts and ideas. Over the course of five days, participants will be able to engage in fruitful, inspiring discussions, learn from distinguished speakers and guests and participate in a scenario planning workshop – all aiming to bring our highest spirits together for the future of our homeland.

Some of the topics that will be discussed will be the geopolitics of Tibet, China and India; Tibetan unity; Tibetan identity; Connecting Tibetans between places and generations; Future paths for Tibet including self-determination and Facing up to the future after His Holiness.

The special theme of the conference is “SEEDS” and there will be opportunity to engage artistically on the theme too.

Applications are now open, please apply via this Google Form: https://forms.gle/hs8dA26ZG5ym5iCM9

The deadline for applications is September 4, 2023.
Deadline extended to 15 September 2023!
*Applications are now closed*

Please be sure to read the FAQs before contacting us with any questions: https://future-of-tibet.org/en/dharamsala-conference-faqs/

Don’t miss any updates from us, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list here: https://future-of-tibet.org/en/home/about-us-contact/sign-up-to-our-mailing-list/

Dharamsala En

Dharamsala Conference FAQs

1. When is the Future of Tibet conference taking place in Dharamsala, India?
From November 5th-10th, 2023.

2. Where is the Future of Tibet, Dharamsala conference taking place?
Full details about venue and logistics will be sent via email after the registration process is complete

3. What is the Future of Tibet project?
Please see: https://future-of-tibet.org/en/home/about-us-contact/

4. What is the aim of the Future of Tibet conference?
The aim of the conference is to create a coherent sequence of plausible events and decisions that create vivid, compelling stories about what the future could look like for Tibet. The conference hopes to initiate discussion about future scenarios and builds on the previous conferences held in Washington DC, Paris, and New York.

5. How many people will participate?
There are 100 places available for participants.

6. How do I become a participant?
Please fill out this application form by September 4th 15th 2023: https://forms.gle/hs8dA26ZG5ym5iCM9

Please note that application does not guarantee registration as we have a limited number of places available. For a successful conference, we intend to bring together a diverse group of people. We believe that having a diversity of ages, genders, views, and backgrounds will strengthen the quality of the discussions. You will be emailed the registration form in September once this balance is ensured.

*Applications are now closed.*

7. What language will the conference take place in?
Tibetan and English.

8. I’m not of Tibetan heritage, can I still participate?
No, in person participation is limited to those of Tibetan heritage only.

9. Is there an age limit to the participants?
We welcome all ages above 18 for the in-person conference.

10. Will this be a youth only conference?
No, this conference is for everyone aged 18 and over. Only once in the past (in New York) was the Future of Tibet a youth conference. In Dharamsala, we would like to create an environment for conducive inter-generational dialogue. We also want to achieve a 50/50 gender balance. We welcome a diverse age range for this conference.

11. Can I see the schedule of the conference?
Yes, we have published a draft schedule here and will be updating it as we go along.

12. Will accommodation and meals be covered for participants for the duration of the conference?
Yes, all meals and accommodation will be covered.

13. I’d like to attend but I require help with travel costs
We encourage everyone interested in taking part to apply. We will release details of travel bursaries that will be available soon.

14. I’d like to know more before I apply
That’s fine, keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram accounts as we reveal more details of the program. Don’t miss any updates from us, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list here: https://future-of-tibet.org/en/home/about-us-contact/sign-up-to-our-mailing-list/

15. I have a question I don’t see answered above.
No problem, please contact us on united@future-of-tibet.org

16.  I want to help! Can I volunteer at the conference?
That would be great, we would love to hear from you, please contact us on united@future-of-tibet.org