Paris En

Looking Back at the Future of Tibet Conference, Paris

The Future of Tibet, Paris, Group Photo

The second Future of Tibet Conference was held from November 25-27, 2022, in Paris, France. Around fifty Tibetans from US, Canada, UK and Europe came together to brainstorm, discuss and collectively think about, and plan for, possible scenarios for a future Tibet. The first Future of Tibet Conference was held in Washington DC on April 9-10, 2022.


(L-R) Wangpo Tethong, Francoise Robin, Chemi Lhamo, Golog Jigme, Thupten Gyatso MP, Thupten Tsering

On November 25, an afternoon opening event was held at the prestigious Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO). Representing the Bureau du Tibet, Paris, Thupten Tsering welcomed the participants and organisers Wangpo Tethong and Chemi Lhamo hosted the proceedings. Organiser Dechen Pemba gave an overview of expectations from the conference which was a summary of a conference call by the core organising group which had been held at the end of October 2022. Important themes which had been identified on the call to be important for discussion were 1, The Dalai Lama, reflection on the transition period, 2, Challenges and prospects for Tibetan democracy, 3, International advocacy and outreach and 4, individual responsibility such as in the fields of activism, culture and art.

The first speaker Phuntshok Lhundrup joined via video from New York, USA, and spoke about Tibetans being custodians of the Avalokiteshvara civilization, referring to the special relationship between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people.

The second speaker, PhD candidate Dawa Lokyitsang, had submitted a pre-recorded video with thoughts and observations on the future of Tibet from the point of view of exile. Dawa Lokyitsang pointed out the rise of Tibetan-Americans and Tibetan-Canadians entering politics, spoke on the importance of unity and encouraged Tibetans to be mindful of current important developments opportunities regarding overturning the recognition of Tibet as not being part of China. The final speaker Golog Jigme joined the proceedings in person and mainly spoke of the importance of all Tibetans to take individual action. According to Golog Jigme, all Tibetans have a role to play in the struggle including those who are of mixed heritage and those who do not speak Tibetan.

INALCO Tibetan Studies Professor Françoise Robin offered some closing thoughts and observations about women in Tibetan society in exile.

After the session at INALCO concluded, proceedings moved on to a boat on the Seine nearby where a lively evening event called “TIBET FUTURE(S)” was held with food, music and poetry courtesy of the local talent in the Paris Tibetan community.


On November 26, the conference moved to a smaller location more suitable for discussions and workshopping. The first closed session in the morning was aimed to provide an overview of the current situation inside Tibet with experts with close contacts on the ground alongside their thoughts on the outlook for the future.

(L-R) Wangpo Tethong, Thupten Gyatso MP, Tsering Passang

Further sessions discussed the situation for the Tibetan diaspora as well as the political situation in China in general. Thinking about the Tibetan diaspora, MP Thupten Gyatso spoke about the development of Tibetan democracy and activist Tsering Passang raised the possibility of the Tibetan Parliament in the future becoming bilingual, Tibetan and English, to become more inclusive.

(L-R) Wangpo Tethong, Dr. Gyalo, Sangjey Kep, Tenzin Choekyi

On the topic of “Future paths of China’s Tibet policy”, Dr. Gyalo, Sangjey Kep and Tenzin Choekyi spoke on the implications of the CCP’s ethnic policies on the survival of Tibetan society including Tibetan language, culture, religion and environmental stewardship.

The English language youth panel titled “New Generation’s Views on the Future of Tibet” was moderated by Drukthar Gyal from the UK with panellists Chemi Lhamo (Canada), Dorjee Lhamo (France) and Kunsell Dorjee (Netherlands). The youth panel brought to the forefront key issues that need to be addressed in order to be the most effective for the Tibetan freedom struggle. For example, the younger generation pointed out that lack of leadership was a key issue and they felt that the responsibility placed upon them could be a burden without clarity of direction. The importance of sharing intergenerational knowledge was acknowledged as well as the unity of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet.

The afternoon was spent in the first part of the closed scenario planning workshop.

The evening saw an informal “storytelling” session take place, whereby prominent Tibetans such as Tenzin Namgyal Tethong and Dr. Gyalo could relay to the younger generation their stories and experiences from decades of Tibet work, answer questions and exchange.


(L-R) Wangpo Tethong, Dr. Gyalo, Darig Thokmay

The third and final day started with reflections from Dr. Gyalo on the preceding couple of days. Darig Thokmay then also offered his thoughts based on Dr. Gyal Lo’s reflections. They both highlighted key structural frameworks through which Tibet needs to be addressed. Their insights centred Tibetan understandings of its relations to its neighbouring countries, clarity on the relation between politics, culture and society – the last of which serves as the foundation.

The final sessions were dedicated to concluding the scenario planning workshop.

Watch the videos from all the public sessions of the Paris conference on YouTube here.

Paris En

Announcing the Second Future of Tibet Conference in Paris, France, 25-27 November, 2022


The second Future of Tibet conference will take place in Paris, France from November 25-27, 2022. Tibetans in Europe are invited to join us for three days of talks, discussions and workshopping.

The aim of the second conference is to create a coherent sequence of plausible segments that create vivid, compelling stories about what the future could look like for Tibet. The conference hopes to initiate discussion about the future of Tibet, especially with Tibetans living inside Tibet.

There will be expert panels and speakers, but also plenty of room for everybody to take part and exchange ideas. Confirmed participants include Tibetan education expert Dr Gyal Lo (Canada), Buddhist scholar Geshe Thubten Jinpa (virtual), activist and community organizer Chemi Lhamo (Canada), University of Colorado Boulder anthropology Ph.D. candidate Dawa Lokyitsang (virtual), poet and filmmaker Jangbu (France), University of Edinburgh (Masters) and Druktalk podcast host Drukthar Gyal (United Kingdom), Oxford University Ph.D candidate Darig Thokmay (United Kingdom) and many more…

We hope you will join us! To register, please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/5n6brekw

You can see the draft schedule here: https://future-of-tibet.org/en/the-future-of-tibet-paris-schedule/

IMPORTANT: For more detailed information and before you contact us with questions, please see the FAQs page

Paris En

The Future of Tibet, Paris – Schedule

This is the current schedule for The Future of Tibet in Paris.

Exciting update – **The artist Kesang Lamdark will be with us to visualize and artistically reflect the conference**

FRIDAY 25 November, 2022

1:30pm: Registration

2pm-5pm: Opening session (Live streaming)
(INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris. Subway: Line 14, Station: Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand)

Introduction and welcome
Thupten Tsering, Bureau du Tibet, Paris.
Opening session moderated by Chemi Lhamo

1. Phuntshok Lhundrup (Virtual)
2. Dawa Lokyitsang, PhD candidate (Virtual)
3. Golog Jigme

Closing Remarks

6.30 pm – 9 pm: Reception “TIBET FUTURE(S)”

Music & Poetry Evening Event

SATURDAY 26 November, 2022

9am-12pm: Future Perspectives (Live streaming)

1. “Tibetan Imaginations of the Future” Dechen Pemba, Jangbu
2. “Tibetan Diaspora Future” MP Thupten Gyatso, Tsering Passang
3. “Future paths of China’s Tibet policy” Dr. Gyalo, Sangjey Kep, Tenzin Choekyi

Moderated panel discussion


4. Youth Power: “New Generation’s Views on the Future of Tibet” (English language)
Drukthar Gyal – moderator (UK), Chemi Lhamo (Canada), Dorjee Lhamo (France), Dalha Wangden (tbc), more participants tbc

12pm-1pm: Lunch

1pm-5pm: Mapping the Future
Scenario planning workshop

From 5pm Informal evening

SUNDAY 27 November, 2022

9am-9.30am Reflections – Keynote by Prof. Gyalo Keynote with response by Darig Thokmay (Live streaming)

9.30am-12pm: Mapping the Future
Scenario planning workshop (Contd.)

12pm-1pm: Lunch

1pm-2.30pm: Mapping the Future
Scenario planning workshop (Contd.)

2.30-2.45pm: Presentation of workshop output (Live streaming)

2.45-3.00pm: Closing Session

Paris En

Paris Conference FAQs

When is the Future of Tibet conference taking place?
Friday, November 25 – Sunday, November 27 

Where is the Future of Tibet conference taking place?
In Paris, France. 
The venue for the launch event on the afternoon of Friday, November 25 will be INALCO.
The weekend venue for the workshop will be at a central venue in Paris.
Full details will be sent via email after registration.

What is the Future of Tibet project?
Please see: https://translate.future-of-tibet.org/english/about-us/ 

What is the aim of the Future of Tibet conference?
The aim of the conference is to create a coherent sequence of plausible events and decisions that create vivid, compelling stories about what the future could look like for Tibet. The conference hopes to initiate discussion about future scenarios.

How many people will participate?
For the Friday opening event, there are 100 places available.
For the Saturday and Sunday workshop, there are 50 places available.

How do I register? Registration Info and Deadline
Please fill out this form: https://tinyurl.com/5n6brekw
Registration opens on October 12 and closes on November 15.
Once we have reached capacity for registrants, we will open a wait list.  

Is there a registration fee?
Yes. We ask everyone taking part to pay a fee of USD 45 or USD 15 for students. This includes participation in the program and also lunch and beverages on Saturday and Sunday. Information on how to pay is on the registration form. 

If you are only coming for Friday’s opening events, please bring EUR 10 cash on the day. There is no need to make the PayPal transfer.

What if I can’t pay the registration fee?
Please contact us on united@future-of-tibet.org 

I have not registered in advance, can I just turn up?
No, only registered participants that have received invitation confirmation by e-mail are allowed to attend the events.

What language will the conference take place in?
The primary language of the conference is Tibetan.
The Youth Panel on Saturday will be conducted in English. 

I’m not of Tibetan heritage, can I still participate?
No, in person participation is limited to those of Tibetan heritage only.

Is there an age limit to the participants?
We welcome all ages above 18 for the in-person conference.

Are there travel bursaries available?
Yes there are limited bursaries available. Please contact us on united@future-of-tibet.org 

Do I have to participate all 3 days?
We would prefer for participants to be fully present in person for all 3 days. For the workshop participation on Saturday and Sunday, our priority is given to participants who commit to participate for all 3 days. However, we understand that it may not always be possible. Even for those who only join for one of the weekend days, the registration fee must be paid in full.

I am unable to join in person, can I join virtually?
Some sessions will be livestreamed but some sessions will be closed. For those joining via livestream, no registration is required. Please join via our YouTube or Facebook page.

I have other needs or requirements I don’t see listed above
Please contact us on united@future-of-tibet.org

I’d like to know more before I register
That’s fine, keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts as we reveal more details of the program.

I want to help! Can I volunteer at the conference?
That would be great, we would love to hear from you, please contact us on united@future-of-tibet.org